We encourage students and our community to reach out to local resources to support their needs. Eligibility and access are dependent on individual organizations. Please check the resource directly to see if it fits your needs.
Capital Area Food Bank:
The Capital Area Food Bank has uploaded an Interactive Partner Map specifically for the COVID-19 response in the DC Area. It highlights many community resources still operating and providing resources. Please visit https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/covid19response/ for resources in your area.
Alexandria City
- Alive Incorporated: visit https://www.alive-inc.org/, call: 703–837-9300
- Salvation Army (Alexandria Citadel Corps): visit http://salvationarmynca.org/alexandria-va/ or call: 703–836-2427
Arlington County
- Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC): visit https://afac.org/, call: 703–845–8486
- Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network (A-SPAN): visit https://www.a-span.org/what-we-do/homeless-bagged-meal-program-hbmp, call: 703-228-7815
- Salvation Army (Arlington Corps): visit http://salvationarmynca.org/arlington-va/, call: 571–259-5967
Fairfax County
- Ecumenical Community Helping Others-ECHO: visit https://nativityburke.org/service/echo/, call: 703-455-2400, email: [email protected]
- FACETS: visit http://facetscares.org/, call: 703-352-5090, email: [email protected]
- Food for Others: visit https://www.foodforothers.org , call: 703-207-9173, email: [email protected]
- Lorton Community Action, visit: https://lortonaction.org/healthy-families/, call: 703-339-5161, email: [email protected]
- St. Leo the Great Catholic Church: visit https://stleofairfax.com/, call: 703-273-5369
- The Salvation Army: visit https://salvationarmynca.org/fairfax/, call: 703-385-8700, email: [email protected]
Loudoun County
- Dulles South Food Pantry: visit https://www.dsfp.org/ , call: 703-507-2795
- Loudoun Hunger Relief (FKA Loudoun Interfaith Relief): visit https://www.loudounhunger.org/ , call: 703-777-5911, email: [email protected]
- Reston Bible Church Food Pantry: visit https://www.restonbible.org/care/foodpantry/, email: [email protected]
- Seven Loaves Services: visit https://www.sevenloavesmiddleburg.org/, call: 540-687-3489, email: [email protected]
Prince William County
- ACTS (Action in Community Through Services) Hunger Prevention Center: visit https://www.actspwc.org/, call: 703-441-8606, email: i[email protected]
- Haymarket Food Pantry: visit https://haymarketfoodpantry.org/, call: 703-963-5918
- Hunger Resource Center (Northern Virginia Family Service): visit https://www.nvfs.org/our-services/health-well-being/food-assistance/, call: 571-748-2600, email: [email protected]
- Salvation Army: visit http://salvationarmynca.org/princewilliam/, email: [email protected]
- StreetLight Community Outreach Ministries: visit http://thestreetlight.org/, call: 703-491-2288, email: [email protected]
Please be mindful that the Patriot Pantry is specifically for students experiencing food insecurity and/or financial difficulties. If you are an employee in need but are not a student, please visit Mason Human Resources: Support Resources or other local resources listed above.