National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week is a fun, engaging and meaningful way for students to learn about alcohol. We celebrate National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week the third full week of each October. The week focuses on delivering students information on safer drinking strategies, busting the myths on college student drinking and helping students identify ways to be a Mason team player through pro-social bystander behavior.

2018 Partners

Student Support and Advocacy Center

Housing and Residence Life

Off Campus Student Services

Mason Athletics

Student Involvement

Patriot Activities Council


This year’s events:

Monday 10/22 11am – 2pm Medical Amnesty Kiosk: JC Kiosks

Tuesday 10/23 11-2pm Got Health : North Plaza

Wednesday 10/24 11-2pm Before you Drink: JC Kiosks

Thursday 10/25 8pm-10pm 21st Birthday Celebration

Friday: Social Medial Campaign